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Title IX Policy and Procedure

The LMU Office of Institutional Compliance

Mission Statement:澳门威尼斯人赌城机构合规办公室致力于维护大学使命和目的声明中所述的价值观以及大学的平等机会, Affirmative Action, and Nondiscrimination Policy. 机构合规办公室调查被禁止歧视的指控, harassment, and retaliation involving members of the LMU academic community. 机构合规办公室致力于确定并为学生提供适当的培训, faculty, staff, 并确保附属组织遵守州和联邦法律,创造有利于成长和学习的环境.

Title IX at LMU
机构合规办公室负责监督大学对联邦法律的遵守情况,并处理所有歧视投诉. 第九条协调员被指定监督大学遵守1972年教育修正案第九条的情况. 第九条协调员协调大学对涉嫌基于性别的歧视的反应, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, in accordance with the University's policies and procedures. The Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) & Compliance Officer(s) support the Title IX Coordinator in these efforts.

Ms. Rebekah Webb, M.Ed., Title IX Coordinator & Institutional Compliance Officer
Phone: (423) 869-6315 or Emails: and
Office: Cumberland Gap Offices #3 (Next-door to the Lincoln's Closet)
609 Colwyn St., Cumberland Gap, TN 37724

Lincoln Memorial University works to maintain academic, housing, and employment environments that are free of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.

On April 19, 2024, 教育部民权办公室根据教育法第九条发布了新的规定.  新规定规定了大学必须如何调查和裁决性骚扰报告, 以及为投诉人及怀孕及养育子女的学生提供支援.

大学领导们正在积极评估新的第九条规定,以评估它们对我们澳门威尼斯人赌城校园的潜在影响. 我们对校园社区的透明度和包容性的承诺仍然是我们的优先事项. 我们目前的政策符合并超过了现行联邦第九条规定的最低要求,这将是我们未来的首要任务.

Note that all stakeholders will be trained in the new regulations, including student leaders, student employees, and student athletes.

If you have any questions about the new Title IX regulations, please contact Title IX Coordinator Becky Webb at